Grosir Jagung Pipil Murah Kualitas Export | Wholesale Quality Cheap Pipil Corn Export | Call 24 Hours : 085299944169 Mr. Maulana |
Gorontalo merupakan daerah penghasil Jagung Pipil Terbaik dan terkenal di Indonesia, dan produk jagung pipil dari Grorontalo telah menembus berbagai negara export diantara Filipina, Malaysia, Jepang dan beberapa negara lainya. Jagung Pipil yang kami jual berasal dari Gorontalo dan merupakan Jagung Pipil pilihan serta menjadi primadona negara negara didunia untuk membeli Jagung Pipil Murah dari provinsi Gorontalo.
Kami mempunyai banyak jaringan pedagang/pengepul hasil pertanian jagung pipilan, kondisi jagung kering 17% Standart Quality (bisa menyesuaikan permintaan) , produksi sehari rata-rata 150 ton, sebagian jagung tersebut kami pasarkan untuk ekspor. Tempat pengeringan dan gudang penyimpanan jagung pipilan kami cukup representative dalam menjaga kualitas/mutu produk.
Team Kami Memeriksa Proses Pengeringan Jagung Pipil Untuk Export Ke Filipina | Melayani Pembelian Jagung Pipil Untuk Keperluan Export | Serving Pipil To Purchase Corn Export Purposes | Please Call Mr. Maulana 085299944169 |
Secara berkala, kualitas jagung terbaik kami pantau dengan alat pengukur kelembaban dan sinar ultra violet untuk melihat adanya jamur aflatoksin. Kami menjual jagung pipil murah dengan kualitas jagung pipil serta membuka kerjasama dalam pemasaran jagung pipilan.
Kami juga membuka kerjasama untuk mensuplay Jagung Pipil bagi perusahaan-perusahaan besar, dan terpenting bahwa harga jagung pipil yang kami tawarkan adalah harga jagung pipil termurah untuk keperluan export serta untuk pengiriman jagung pipil ke berbagai negara di Dunia (pipil corn shipments to various countries in the World)
Gorontalo is a corn-producing regions and Pipil Best known in Indonesia, and corn products pipil of Grorontalo has penetrated many countries export between the Philippines, Malaysia, Japan and some other countries. Pipil corn we sell comes from Gorontalo and the Corn Pipil be excellent choices as well as the countries of the world to buy corn from the province of Gorontalo Cheap Pipil.
We have a network of dealers / collectors corn crops, corn dry conditions 17% Quality Standart (can adjust to demand), the average daily production of 150 tons, most of our corn is marketed for export. Place the drying and storage facilities, our corn is quite representative in maintaining the quality / quality of the product.
Periodically, we monitor the quality of the best corn with humidity gauges and ultraviolet light to see the mold aflatoxin. We sell corn cheaper pipil pipil corn quality and open cooperation in the marketing of corn.
We are also open to cooperation Pipil supplying corn for large companies, and corn prices pipil important that we offer is the cheapest price of corn pipil for export and for pipil corn shipments to various countries in the World
Silahkan Hubungi Kami / Please Call Us :
Cheap Wholesale Center Pipil Corn Export Quality | Ready For Shipping To Various Countries Around The World
Grosir Jagung Pipil Murah Kualitas Export | Wholesale Quality Cheap Pipil Corn Export | Call 24 Hours : 085299944169 Mr. Maulana |
We have a network of dealers / collectors corn crops, corn dry conditions 17% Quality Standart (can adjust to demand), the average daily production of 150 tons, most of our corn is marketed for export. Place the drying and storage facilities, our corn is quite representative in maintaining the quality / quality of the product.
Periodically, we monitor the quality of the best corn with humidity gauges and ultraviolet light to see the mold aflatoxin. We sell corn cheaper pipil pipil corn quality and open cooperation in the marketing of corn.
We are also open to cooperation Pipil supplying corn for large companies, and corn prices pipil important that we offer is the cheapest price of corn pipil for export and for pipil corn shipments to various countries in the World
Silahkan Hubungi Kami / Please Call Us :
JL.Rambutan ( Tugu Tomulabutao),
Kec.Dungingi, Kota Gorontalo,
Gorontalo, Indonesia
0852 999 441 69 (T-SEL)
0813 40 1984 78 (T-SEL)
05656 722 439 (IM3)
0435 – 8856 107 (FLEXI)
:: Call Center 24 Hours ::
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